Comparing Silent Air Rifles – Check The Features Thoroughly


What are quiet air rifles?

Air rifles are considered as quiet ones when they operate on based of small amount of pressurized air it. Since the rifles operate on lesser air pressure, the pellet gets out of the muzzle very quietly.

How to compare the best quiet air rifles?

When you compare the quiet air rifles there are few points that you need to take into consideration. These points can be described as below:

1.         Check for the Level of noise caused by the rifle- the first criteria of considering a rifle as a quiet one is the noise level that is caused while firing the pellets. Common rifles come with a noise level of 100dB but a quieter one will have lesser than that. Usually a 10dB increase in the sound makes a huge noise impact.

2.         The reason for using the quiet rifle- A common air rifle is made such that one can use it both the purpose of hunting and practising on targets. A good quiet rifle will have the option to choose between 3 calibres, depending on the firing power required.

3.         The Calibre size - In general the calibre size of a gun is determined by the size of bullet it is expected to fire. When you fire from a quiet gun ensure it is bullet with high velocity. To shoot a high velocity bullet a rifle needs a calibre of .177” as the best one.

4.         Power of a shot – Since you require a quiet rifle for game hunting it is best to have one with muzzle energy of at least 12 foot/pounds.

5.         Source of power – The source of power in the air guns is the compressed air. If you want a quiet rifle you need to ensure that only a small quantity of air remains under high pressure or else it might cause the pellet to leave the muzzle with noise.